Share a picture of something meaningful, important or symbolic to you about your lived experiences in Norway. Upload your picture using the form below and include a caption or story with it! For example, you could begin with “I remember when…”
Other questions that can help you select existing or take new photos that are relevant to your lived experiences of immigration:
- What makes you feel like you belong?
- What common assumptions people have of you that aren’t true?
- What questions do you wish people would ask you?
- Is there anything that is not the way you imagined it would be?
- What makes you feel safe?
- What advice would you tell your former self?
- What makes you feel homesick?
- Is there a smell you associate with home?
- What are you most proud of?
- How does your sense of who you are change from place to place?
Selected photos will be part of our digital storytelling website ‘Our migration history’ #livedexperiences, #ourmigrationhistorie. They will be displayed on our digital storytelling virtual gallery.
Three selected photos will be awarded with 1000 NOK gift cards from AMFI shopping center.
The winners will be announced 30. June 2021
Please share this post and our hashtag (#ourmigrationhistory, #mylivedexperience, #vårmigrasjonshistorie) on social media.
Please note that your picture should not include images of people who have not agreed to be photographed.